Kaspersky Lab Seeks Help to Crack New Malware
Online security company Kaspersky Lab is facing a blank wall in cracking the mystery of a new malware and is seeking the help of those who have what it takes to defeat the virus. Last week, the security firm has uncovered Gauss, a malware that has attacked users in the Middle East. It aims to […]
Google Encourages Hackers to Poke into Chrome Browser
For the second time this year, Google has set up its own hacker competition. The web search giant is hosting the Pwnium 2, which is being held at the Hack in the Box 10th anniversary conference in Malaysia. The challenge is simple: look for security holes in Google’s Chrome browser. Over $ 2 million worth […]
Microsoft Unveils New Logo
Microsoft has just revealed a logo makeover, incorporating elements of its Windows logo from the font design to the window pane symbol on the left. The new Microsoft logo comes months after the company reveals the Windows 8 logo, which bares similar elements except that the window symbol is turned slightly. It has been 25 […]
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